Friday, December 24, 2010

Jumping into the unknown.

I haven't updated in a while and figured it was about time. 
I feel as if I am slowly losing control of things. I don't know where I am headed in life, where He wants me, if I am in the right place, if I am doing everything I should be doing. 
I work full time and I love my job, but is the job that I am doing helping the Kingdom? Am I really doing the best job I can to reach the lost? Of course I know that I can be a witness to my coworkers and the customers I encounter everyday, but there are so many countries and people groups out there who have never heard.

My best friend came home from college about a week ago and showed me this website that shows all the different countries and what religions a country believes. I was speechless when I saw how many countries aren't Christian. I mean, I guess I have always know that there are lost people out there but I never truly thought about it. Whole countries are lost and not just a portion of it. Some countries are 99.9% of one religion. The country Mauritania is 99.8% Islam. India is 80.9% Hindu. China is 47.6% non religious. There are so many more countries that are lost. The website is here so you can see it for yourself.

We are living in a world where we can pretty easily jump on a plane and in a day or 2 be on the other side of the world. Where we can share the Word of God. Yes, sometimes we do have restrictions, but we are living in a pretty developed world and yet there are so many lost people still out there. The IMB has made budget cuts and have to bring missionaries stateside. That is completely mind blowing to me that we have to bring them home. We need to be sending people out by the boat loads. We need to be out sharing the Word here in the states. So many people lost and yet we have to bring people back.
I am guilty of being apart of not being 100% supportive of missions. I don't blink when it comes to buying a coffee from Starbucks or  new shirt, but sometimes when it comes to giving to missions I am a little hesitant. I have always had a heart for missions, but lately I feel like that part of my heart is fading. I don't want it to, I need to get it back. I need to throw myself into missions. 

So back to my original thought. What am I doing with my life to help the reach unbelievers? I know the Lord can use me wherever I'm at, and He might have me here for a reason. But I don't want to be helping my self before reaching and helping others. I feel as if I get so easily caught up in the things of this world that I lose focus on why I am here. To share His love. It's not about the money I make, or the car I drive, or what type of purse I have. I am here to bring Glory to the Lord and to share His love with the people. 

I am so scared of stepping up and letting it all go. But I feel as if that's where the Lord is leading me. I know He will guide me and equip me to do this. I know I am going to have to take this one step at a time.
Here. We. Go.