Saturday, March 12, 2011


I haven't updated in a while and I figured it was about time. I also never know how to start these things. I kind of just want to dive into writing. But I feel like writing about a struggle I have been dealing with.

It is so difficult having an unbeliever as a close friend. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to a wall about my faith. This friend believes that God was here but then He decided to leave. I have shared my faith with her many times and she even went to church with me once but I feel like she doesn't get it. She doesn't understand that what she is hearing is the most important thing she will ever hear. It has no meaning to her. 

It is completely mind blowing to me that she as well as millions of other people believe this! They would rather believe that we exploded out of nowhere or evolved from monkeys. 
I don't know how people can look at the world and NOT see the Lord's hand in every part. Even though the world is pretty screwed up in some areas, I can always see God's hand working. 

I get frustrated with her because I feel as if she is so focused on herself and not the purpose of life. She talks about making sure she is happy and it doesn't matter what happens to other people. 
I know I am no where near being a perfect person, and I have definitely put myself before others at times. My heart breaks over the fact that she doesn't care for the people around her. The impact she could be making on people's lives is lost since she is concerned about herself. 

I love her and want her to put her faith in the Lord. I hope I am being an example of Jesus and that one day she will see Him through me.