Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Do you ever do or see something that just stays on your thoughts? It always seems to be there, even if it's in the back of your mind? 

When I went to Denmark, something hit me. Since that trip I can not seem to stop thinking about it. The things that happened there, the people, the country, the ministry, everything is always running through my mind. Denmark has been on my heart for over 2 years now. At the beginning of this year I really wanted to go back but never pursued it. Now that the summer is over, I wish I could have gone. But as I look back on   the trip I feel like I wasted alot of my time over there. To say I was young and unfocused are lame excuses for my lack of passion on that trip. I know that God sent me there to show me that I did have a passion for missions but I had a little bit to go before I should jump in. Missions has always been a part of my life. Even when I was a kid I did mission orientated things. Every summer with the youth group we went on a mission trip. So growing up I knew that missions was awesome and that I wanted it apart of my life. I feel like God has brought me a long way since Denmark two summers ago. He has stretched me and used me and challenged me. I feel ready. So I got in contact with my trip leader and asked her about a trip next summer and to my amazement she was forming a team and said she would love to have me come along. What an awesome opportunity God presented me with! After praying about it I told her that I am more than willing to go and would jump on a plane today if I could. 
See how amazing God is? He sees a passion in us, prepares us, and then sends us out. How amazing He is. I asked a few of my friends if they wanted to come since I know they love missions as well, but they are still praying about it. Normally I wouldn't even think of going on a mission trip without any friends. But I think it would be an amazing experience with or without them there. If they come it will be awesome, but if they don't I know I am supposed to go. That's what matters. 

I can't wait for the other amazing opportunities God has in store for me. I am ready to dive on in. 

1 comment:

  1. I am very happy for you! God does work in amazing ways, and tends to surprise you when you least expect it :)
