Sunday, October 11, 2009


What has happened to this world? It seems like everyone is only concerned with themselves. You see people with their $100,000 cars and their $400 pair of jeans walking around, completely focused on themselves. There are millions of people in need in this world. Millions! Yet we all, myself included, sometimes don't even care. We always want the next new thing, or the bigger thing. I find it interesting when people who have those $400 pair of jeans decided they want to help, so they send a check to save the children in Darfur or to a Aids clinic in Africa. Now, I am not saying it is wrong of them to send money because alot of those organizations need funding. But what I am saying is that here, in America, people are dying everyday. How many children go unfed every night? Or how many families are sleeping on the street? Millions of people are dying here, yet we don't seem to care or even notice. We are always so focused on helping other countries when our own is falling apart. Our country needs to stop and help those in need here.
Back in August the college group at my church went on a mission trip to San Diego and it was an amazing trip. Let me just say that it was probably one of the best mission trips I have ever been on, and I have been on my fair share of trips. One of the activities that we did was that everyone was to take $2 and as a team we were to go to a grocery store or someplace that sold food and put together bags for the homeless. I'm not going to lie, as soon as our leader said homeless it freaked me out. When I used to hear that word, I automatically thought 1) scary 2) dirty 3) crazy. Hah! Which is a ridiculous thing for me to think! Sheesh how judgemental am I? Before we leave to do this activity the leader said something that made me change my thoughts towards the homeless. She said, "These people are just like you and me. They are simply in need. We all have been in need at some point in our lives, and these people just might need a little more help.'' O how true her words were! Of course these people would be like me, they are just people. Children of God who need help from fellow children of God. So anyways, we went out and put together 5 bags for the homeless and went out searching for people in need. I was able to go out with a teammate and actually physically give a bag to a person in need and it opened my eyes and made the words that our leader said come to life. That man was just in need. That was all. God had blessed me with the ability to help him and I was so glad God chose to use me to help touch someone's life.
When we all were back together, we started talking about how easy it was to go and take $2  and a few hours to help someone in need.  What a simple and inexpensive thing to do!
After doing that it really hit me how wasteful this world is. I know there are alot of people out there who do love helping others and showing God's love. But I also know that a majority of the world is consumed with themselves and it breaks my heart.

I hope God can use me to be a light to those who are in need. Whether that need is something as simple as food, or if it is showing them that we need to be helping others. I am ready for the challenging. I'm just waiting for His guidance.

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