Thursday, April 15, 2010

Free yet in chains.

Tonight I was able to go out to dinner with some great friends of mine. Whenever we get together we always have a great time. Just great food, conversation, and friends. I really enjoy it. 

Well near the end of the evening one of my friends told us how she had gone to a mormon church the previous Sunday for a dedication for her close friends child. She said she was sitting there in the service and was just overwhelmed with the fact that every single person in that building was lost. Completely and totally blinded by what their elders have been teaching them their wholes lives. They have grown up in a church, just like I had, and they believe that what they have learned is the truth. I am so grateful to have been born into a strong Christian family who has raised me to live by the Truth of Christ.
I did some research and there are over 13 MILLION mormons in the world. That is 13 MILLION people who are lost and without Christ. Every single one of those people will go to Hell if someone doesn't share the love of Christ with them. When I read that fact  my mind couldn't comprehend that. 

Here I am in America, free to believe whatever I want. I choose to believe the Truth because I know it's True. But there are so many more people over that 13 million who are lost. Yet I sit here day in and day out without a care for them. Yes I am polite and do have a love for people. But how deep is that love truly? If I loved them why wouldn't I want to share that with them? What a fool I've been! 

I know alot of people feel like they have to go out of country to be a missionary. & I definitely support that! I went on an out of country mission trip back in 2007 and loved every minute. I fully support any person who goes on a mission trip, no matter where it is. But I feel like my purpose is to be a missionary here. In my city. Loving on the people that I am surrounded by. 
I don't know if God will send me to another state or even to another country. But what I do know is that I am surrounded by lost people everyday. They need Jesus just as much as the people in Uganda, or Germany. Wherever. But I know that if I can step out of my comfort zone here at home I can do it anywhere. 
I want God to use me wherever He needs me. I want to share His love like there's no tomorrow. 

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