Sunday, June 13, 2010


It's funny how the desires of your heart can change so drastically in such a short amount of time.
The other day I was thinking about where I was in life 4 years ago. I was working a ton & making good money, had flexible hours, was able to buy whatever I wanted, I had my license & a car basically whenever I needed one, all my friends were good Christians, & I never got into trouble. Sounds awful right? The desires of my heart were always the bigger & better thing. The people I worked for had a large house, several cars that cost more than I could fathom, their kids had everything under the sun. & I wanted that to be my lifestyle. It was my goal. To have the American dream.
Alot of people have that goal now in their life. Wanting the better thing, whatever they don't have they want. Always reaching for something and when you get it, you still aren't satisfied.

Then a few years later, about 9 months ago, I started a new job which was a pay cut. Less hours. More work. & retail. Let's just say it threw me for a loop. Yes, I still made good money but I started to see so many people who were striving to obtain these "things" that mean absolutely nothing. & I realized I was doing the exact same thing. I was buying stuff just because I wanted it for that split second in my life. & I have no clue why.
I didn't have some deep emotional issues that I tried dealing with by buying things. Or I had low self esteem & needed "things" to make me feel better. I was just doing it for no response. & now that I think about it, it makes me sick.

So after working at that job, the desires of my heart started to change. I no longer wanted the American dream. It seems useless & meaningless.

A friend of mine & I were talking the other day, & we both discussed that after you achieve the big house, fancy cars, A+ kids, what's next? What's the point of life? You do the same things day in and day out, for what purpose?

Don't get me wrong, I still waste alot of my time  money & meaningless things & I know I have a long way to go still. But now I know and realize that the point of life isn't to have all these things. Because it's all meaningless & not a single thing goes with you. We are here to share God's love and show His power through our lives. When the desires of your heart match up to the desires He has for you, He will bless them. We need to be continually seek Him and His will. 

I think it's so unfortunate that so many people live their lives trying to fill it with worthless things that continually leave them empty. I don't ever want to get stuck in that again. 

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