Saturday, September 11, 2010


Sometimes the things and people of this world leave me completely speechless. Well, most of the time. & you know what, God leaves me speechless pretty much all the time. 

Last Friday I was in a car accident and sadly it was my fault. I had just gotten off of work, it had been an insane day, and within 5 minutes I rear ended some poor guy at a light. The damage was minor, but since it was his sisters car he decided to give the cops a ring. So when they finally came out, the cop saw that the damage was minor and decided not to give me a ticket. What a praise! Then the guy who I hit, said that it was no big deal. We walked away on a good note. I was speechless. The Lord had provided a nice guy to hit (ha!) and a kind police officer. 
I knew (and still do know) that the Lord had it under control, and that He would guide me. 
Then my insurance company called me the next day, apparently Mr. Nice-guy-to-hit-oh-and-did-I-mention-he-owns-a-diamond-company-?- decided to claim injury. 
Speechless again. 

They told me to come down to their office so they could talk photos of my car, when they saw the damage they said that the chances of him getting any money were slim. THEN I get informed this morning that my insurance company decided to give him $700 for damages and (get this) $2,500 for injuries. Um, wait. What? Did his injury come out of no where? Because I am pretty sure it did. When I talked to my insurance later they said that he wanted more so they settled. 
First the guy acted like everything was fine, then magically received an injury. 
I began freaking out. Will I be able to pay my insurance rates? Why would he do that? Why did this happen? Keep in mind, this was at work will I am trying to give customers their money and make deposits. (ha!) 
So as my mind is still whirling at work, my boss comes up to me and says did Jen (my assistant manager) talk to you? Let's just say I started to freak out more because usually thats not a good thing.
I was wrong.
Aka, story of my life. 
She then informs me that because one of the other tellers is quitting, they pushed for a 30 hour position to open up and then it was decided unanimously that I should get it. The Lord once again provided the money to pay for the increase in insurance. How blessed I am and how foolish I am for worrying. He said that he would care for the sparrows, and how much more important we are compared to the sparrows. 
He is so good and faithful to me. & that's just one of the reasons why He leaves me speechless.