Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Oh how time flies. The first week of January is almost over already. I remember as a kid waiting all year for Christmas to come and about the first week of December the countdown would begin! Everyday seemed to drag and there was just too much time until the wonderful day of Christmas came. Christmas as a kid meant something different then what it means now. It was all about the gifts and Santa and all the wonderful food. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because of all the wonderful memories I have. Sad because sadly, that's what the world views Christmas as. Not as the season for celebrating the best gift the world could ever have. The gift of our Savior. 

This year Christmas was truly special for me. I really did put Christ at the center of my Christmas. It's what Christmas should be about. We always get so caught up with the things of this world, and since the world tells us we should be busy 24/7 around the Christmas season we end up going a little crazy. Between plays, parties, baking, gifts, wrapping, decorating, and who knows what else we end up forgetting the meaning and true reason for Christmas. It was nice this year to stop and remember the precious gift that was brought to this world that night.  

This past week in Sunday school we talked about how we always hold onto the things of this world and how we wrap our lives in the world. We don't surrender our lives to God because we feel that the world can satisfy us better than our Father can. How foolish are we! I find myself doing it everyday, and I don't even know for what reason. I know God can and does provide more than this world ever will. Yet I cling to it. By clinging to the world we tend to forget God and the will He has for our life. Like with Christmas. We forget our purpose here on earth. To go out and share the good news of our Savior. We fail time and time again, yet God still uses us. He wants to use us. It blows my mind every time I think about it. God is awesome and I just can't get enough of Him. 

I want Him to take this life and make it His. 

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