Monday, February 1, 2010


I am in a state of complete and total confusion. I don't know what to do and I don't know how to handle what's going on right now. I keep asking God to show me and give me wisdom on how to handle it, and yet I still feel lost. I know He is there and I know He will show me and it will work out.

I feel like I am being giving a million different opinions that I don't know who's to take and act out. Everyone wants me to listen to them and they all want me to pick a side. I can't choose. Why can't both sides just work together? Why do I have to choose? Can't they see that it just makes me happy. 

Why? Why? Why?

I know I just need to trust. Trust in Him and it will work. God will show His power and might to me in a marvelous way. 
Why is that so much easier to say than to actually do? I wish I had faith like a child. I get so caught up on the little things that I don't let God work. Well, He works. I just don't let myself see Him work. I blind myself. I'm blinded by others.

Lord open my eyes, let me see You. Help me Lord. I can't do this on my own. 

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